Saturday 19 March 2011

Team Kochi "Kochi Tuskers" new jersey for IPL. They look like fruity pebbles..!

Was going through my twitter account and there was a tweet from RP Singh, Indian fast bowler who hails from Raibarely. He is a part of team Kochi the newest member of IPL teams. Earlier he played for Deccan Chargers and done some tremendous job for them leading them to win the second season of IPL played in South Africa in the year 2009.

So as I was saying…I was going through my twitter account and there was a tweet form him where he posted a picture of him in his new jersey of Team Kochi.

This might get real rude…but to be very frank...I give a damn…I just want to know what the hell is wrong with the creative team of Kochi. A jersey with bright orange and purple color...I mean is this some c grade of cricket tournament. 

First they came up with the shitty name of all time for their team… “Indi Commandos.” The worst name one can give to his team, then from where they got some idea to do on line poll for their team’s new name and now finally they are happy with “Kochi Tuskers.”  Still I don’t know what that means and how many of them like the name.

And now when things were looking good the creative team again came up with shittier thing of all, purple and orange color jersey for their players…I mean…Are they going to play or they are being assigned the role of cheerleaders.

Creative team of Kochi u need to think…and think hard, or the governing body of team Kochi needs to think about their creative team.


  1. Hi Rahul,

    I cant tell anything about the jersey as of now,I dont feel anything good or bad about it right now. May be at a later stage I will start loving or hating them, but as of now let them start playing :)

    But about the name, Kochi Tuskers is an apt name for the team and most of us are happy with it. Kochi is the commercial capital of Kerala and tuskers because of the huge population of elephants. We really relate to the name. Also, they did not get the idea of changing the name randomly, we all protested in various social media platforms, unjoined from 'IndiCommando' groups and eventually Shashi Tharoor took it up with the consortium and changed the name.

    looking forward to new blogposts :)

  2. hey Midhun Thnx for telling me about the tuskers things, its not only u or kerala should be proud of its matter of all Indians to be proud of but my view about it was because of the initial impact which come to my mind. nothing personal just a view, even RP Singh is just from U.P. just 200km away from my hometown, looking forward to see them in actions and hope IPL becomes the one of the most successful sports event of all time. :)
